Hi fliers,
Well a lot of you all missed out on an absolutely dandy opportunity to meet and hang out with each other at the first of our summer season club meetings. As you all know, the club bylaws call for a monthly meeting every month of the year. Since we only hang out at the library from October – March, that means that the rest of the year, May – September, the meetings are held at the club field on first Tuesdays. We may not always meet at the library, but we always don’t not meet. So today was the 1st at-the-field meeting night for this year, and a dandy it was.
I arrived at the field about 6:30pm having been seriously delayed by some heckatiously terrible traffic coming from downtown. I don’t know what it was about today but I saw two car fires that were burned to a cinder, one SUV in Saint Peters that was toast, and a semi on EB I-70 that had the cab reduced to rubble plus half of the trailer that went up with it. That plus a couple of regular accidents and it was just not a driving friendly day.
Upon arrival at the field I was amazed to find that the field was not just dry, it was hard. I cannot believe just how fast that field drains. If you look at the photos you can see that the road was so dry that I did not even leave tracks. The sun was shining, the temp was about 70deg, and the breeze had dropped to a 2-3mph whisper. The air was amazingly smooth and the conditions were exceptional for getting in some much needed trim flights.
I put the e-Aspire together and proceeded to fly for almost half an hour with flights of 13:23 and 15:35. With the end of the second flight the combination of a cloud deck moving in and a setting sun forced a retirement from further fun. Thus it was time to get on to the business portion of the meeting.
The following items were discussed and voted on:
1) It was proposed that the salaries of all club officers would be doubled and would be proportional to the number of offices held. Since it was agreed that this would have zero net effect to the club finances the Yeas were unanimous, there were none opposed.
2) It was proposed that club officers not attending meetings would be docked their due compensation for that month. The Yeas were unanimous, there were none opposed.
3) Wayne’s e-Aspire was voted the best looking model in attendance. The Yeas were unanimous, there were none opposed.
4) Wayne was voted the best looking pilot present (and the one with the sternest look.) The Yeas were unanimous, there were none opposed.
5) Wayne’s fight total of 28:58 was voted the longest of any 2017 meeting night flight totals. The Yeas were unanimous, there were none opposed.
6) The new monthly contest awards system of posting the 1st place winner’s photos on the club web site was heartily commended. The Yeas were unanimous, there were none opposed.
7) As there were no objections noted, it was decided that these topics should receive further discussion via the club email group and be voted on at the next monthly club meeting. The Yeas were unanimous, there were none opposed.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 and all who attended were home by 8:00.
Faithfully reported,
Fr Wayne – MVSA Competition Coordinator and Webmaster