Saturday Flying Report – 8/26/17

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Gents, We had a beautiful day to fly yesterday. If you could have come out and decided against it, you should kick yourself because it was simply beautiful. We had Larry, John, Rich, Art, Wayne, Bill, and myself. John brought … Continued

Monday flying report 8/7/17

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It turned out to be a great day for setting up the Sagitta. Got to the field about 10:15 and started setting out the sport winch. Started doing some hand tosses to dial in the basic elevator trim when Bill … Continued

Saturday flying report 8/5/17

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Well, it was an overcast day and we had Ed flying his Electric and Perfection, Bob W flying his Xplorer, Bob G flying his Perfect, Jeff flying his Oly II and mini Radian, and myself the Shadow. Everyone had a … Continued

Friday flying report 8/4/17

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Robert conquers the wind! Well, a fantastically beautiful day at the old sod farm, and our small but enthusiastic crew took full advantage: Robert, John, Rich, Larry, Bob W., and Jan, plus me, were all there at one time or … Continued

JR Aerotow June 17, 2017

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Ed White, Brian Molloy, Pete George and I were at the Horizon Hobby Aerotow in Monticello Illinois today, June 17. The thermals were up there, the wind was brisk and we all had a good time. Pete and Ed have … Continued

Flying report June 8, 2017

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The fantastic weather brought only 5 flyers out: Bob Gill, Jeff Melly, and I were there to fly off a hi-start, and Art and (I think) Ed were there flying electrics. We set up at the back road, and they … Continued

Flying report Monday 5/22/17

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I bet you guys didn’t think you’d ever get a flying report from me! But yesterday my phone rang with a gracious invitation from Bob Gill to join him for what promised to be a perfect, low-wind, hi-start day at … Continued

May Unl/2M Contest 5/13/17

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  Gents,   We had a great day for a contest yesterday. We found the A and B fields were saturated and even had some standing water in places so after a search, we found that field F was perfect … Continued