July 2 Meter Fun Fly

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Note: Double click the image to view all of the photos. The joint MVSA and Phantom Flyers 2M Fun Fly was a hot one today. Both the temperature and the competition. Plenty of fun and good natured ribbing at every … Continued

Oh What a Beautiful Morning

posted in: Gone Flying | 0

Indeed, a really great day for flying, specially RES planes. The others’ Ava and my Pulsar all had good, long and high flights. I switched over to my Icon (formerly belonged to Robert) and flew 6 flights without mishap.That’s the … Continued

June 2 Meter Fun Fly

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MVSA FlyersWe had 12 flyers show up for the contest. Winds were suitable for hi starts, and the hi start gliders were launching as high as the ALES gliders. The lift was intermittent, and some flyers had good luck with … Continued

What a Great 2Meter Fun Fly

posted in: Fun Fly | 0

Note: Arrow keys can be used to move right or left in the library. Double click on the photo will show max image size. MVSA Glider Guiders We held our first of the year Two Meter Fun Fly Contest, Saturday, … Continued

New Topgun in Town

posted in: Gone Flying | 0

Hi fliers, Chris Erkmann and I snuck out this morning to slip in a little more practice before the contest tomorrow, and to test his newly repaired rudder. He had a problem earlier where a servo partially came unplugged and … Continued